
2020 Jan Daily memo

From 2020, I will try to write daily memo in English.


I tried to use django. Installed latest version 3.0.2 but it didn't work even the first command. python manage.py runserver failed... I searched and found that there is a conflict of version. So I think I have to downgrade to 2.2... Downgrading django requires many change in dependencies in python. That make sense that there happens the conflict..

To change timezone of django app, set in setting.py TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Tokyo'. Default is 'UTC'.


I tried AWS boto3 SDK. At work, I was trapped by proxy or something network problem. At home, I managed to connect my S3 with boto3.


Doing AWS exam preparations. Associate exam seems to be so-so fit for me. I think I can pass with a proper effort. At first I would take practice exam.

I started engaging Starckoverflow last December, and now I've tried answer  a month in row. It seems a bit hard for me write in English but I can somehow do that.

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